Tuesday, May 17, 2011

European Capitals by Elevation

This was a fun dataset to compile. Not all cities listed had an official elevation... and many are obviously coastal, so their lowest elevation would be zero... I took standard wikipedia elevations where listed. Where not, the rest mostly comes from CIA factbook or various weather stations. A number of cities have quite a large range in elevation, I gave them benefit of the doubt and used the highest elevation within the city limits where I could. Anyway, some may be surprised to find Switzerland didn't top the list, but they aren't the only mountainous country, and it isn't that high up in the country. There are a few notes at the end....

anyway, our list:

Country Capital ftmeters
Liechtenstein Vaduz 4898 1493
Luxembourg Luxembourg 4327 1319
Andorra Andorra la Vella 3356 1023
Armenia Yerevan* 3246 989
Switzerland Bern*** 2834 864
Georgia Tblisi* 2526 770
San Marino San Marino 2457 749
Spain Madrid 2188 667
Bulgaria Sofia 1804 550
Austria Vienna** 1778 542
Croatia Zagreb 1699 518
Slovakia Bratislava 1686 514
Bosnia-Herzegovinia Sarajevo 1640 500
Czech Republic Prague 1309 399
Greece Athens 1109 338
Poland Warsaw 1076 328
Slovenia Ljubljana 968 295
Belarus Minsk 920 280
Russia Moscow**** 837 255
Macedonia Skopje 787 240
Ukraine Kiev 587 179
Monaco Monaco 535 163
Lithuania Vilnius 410 125
Serbia Belgrade 384 117
Germany Berlin 377 115
Romania Bucharest 295 90
Moldova Chişinău 279 85
Hungary Budapest 246 75
Vatican City Vatican City 246 75
Latvia Riga 240 73
Italy Rome 217 66
Sweden Stockholm 200 61
Portugal Lisbon 184 56
Belgium Brussels 141 43
Estonia Talinn 131 40
France Paris 115 35
Finland Helsinki 85 26
United Kingdom London 79 24
Norway Oslo 62 19
Ireland Dublin 30 9
Denmark Copenhagen 16 5
Netherlands Amsterdam 7 2
Azerbaijan Baku* -92 -28

It should be noted many of the lower elevations are coastal, and obviously descend down to sea level (or below it in the case of Baku, which might be the largest city below sea level in the world (easily larger than New Orleans... might be a topic for a future post). Anyway as mentioned tried to take an average elevation for even these coastal cities... but the differences are generally small, though some have impressive heights despite being right on the sea...

A few other notes:

* = debate on whether south causcus countries are considered European or Asian... even though some area of each country might cross the causcus, the capitals themselves primarily fall on the "asian" side. So disregard if you wish, including for completeness' sake... (the EU seems to consider them valid for membership anyway).
** - Vienna ranges from 151m to 542m
*** - Bern ranges from 480 - 864, average is 542.
**** Moscow weather station is 156m, 255m is highest area (Teplostanskaya Highland)

There are probably quite a few more that need notes, and I should have taken the time to list the source for each. Apologies. Still hope this is interesting. And one day maybe someone else will read some of this blog...

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