Thursday, May 12, 2011

European Quiz

Thought the other ones were a little US/North American centric... this one uses Europe as its setting.

1. What is the second largest European island?

2. Russia borders more countries than any other European country. Which country borders the second-most?

3. How many seas can you name that are arms of the Mediterranean Sea (or connected to other "arms")? It must have "Sea" in the name (i.e. not "Gulf" or "Bay")

4. What European capital has the highest elevation above sea level? (bonus - which is second-highest?)

5. Ireland as you should know is split between two nations, the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Name another European island that is also divided between two nations.

6. What is the highest mountain on a European island?

7. What is the highest waterfall in Europe? (bonus - what is the largest in terms of water volume?)

8. What is the largest lake in Europe that is not in Russia?

9. Not counting overseas provinces, how many nations have land both on the mainland of Europe and on the mainland of another continent? (by mainland I mean islands do not count) Because the dividing line might be vague leave the boundary in the Causcus Mountains out of it (e.g., do not worry whether Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan straddle the boundary).

10. This German island was formerly a british possession and was essentially traded for Zanzibar in east Africa.



  1. for #5 - by nation I mean generally recognized internationally but if you fudge that and go by de facto independent state then at least one more island would qualify...

  2. 1. Iceland (edges out Ireland)
    2. France borders 8: (Spain, Andorra, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium) (not counting their chunnel boundary with the UK)
    3. Alboran Sea, Balearic Sea, Ligurian Sea, Tyrrhenean Sea, Ionian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Sea of Marmara, Black Sea, Sea of Azov... and less officially Catalan Sea, Sea of Sardinia, Sicily Sea, Libya Sea, Thracian Sea, Mytoan Sea, Sea of Crete, Icarian Sea, Cilician Sea and Levantine Sea.
    4. Vaduz, Lietchenstein has an elevation of 1493m (4898 ft). #2 is Luxembourg at 1319m, followed by Andorra's Andorra la Vella at 1023. Switzerland's Bern would be 4th at 864m (or 5th if you include Armenia).
    5. Usedom on the Baltic is divided between Poland and Germany. Kataja and Market, also in the Baltic, are split between Sweden and Finland.
    6. Mt. Etna on Sicily, 3328m (10,919 ft). Teide in the Canary Islands is higher (3718m/12198ft) and belongs to spain, but they are geologically part of Africa, not Europe.
    7. Vinufossen, Norway 860m (2820 ft). Detifoss in Iceland is considered the most powerful... though the Rhine Falls in Switzerland might exceed it at times, depends on season.
    8. Vanern, in Sweden
    9. Turkey of course is on both sides of the Bosporus (and Dardenelles). Russia of course is divided between Europe and Asia (more people in the former, more land in the latter). And Spain still has two exclaves across the straits of Gibraltar, Ceuta and Melilla.
    10. Helgoland.
