Friday, April 22, 2011

#2 quiz

Finding superlatives is easy with google. Want to know what the longest river in California? It is easy to find that.

Hopefully these types of questions prove a little more challenging. I mean by all means use google (or whatever your search engine of choice may be). But some of these things take a bit of digging, and the end result is more geography knowledge.

So, anyway, here we go. I'm not getting any responses on these yet but hopefully one day we will then these will still be here for people to take... sticking to North America and mostly the US for this quiz. Don't worry, will cover most of the planet in others.

1. What is the second highest mountain in the United States?

2. What is the second highest mountain in North America?

3. What is the second highest mountain in the 48 contiguous states?

4. What is the second largest island in the United States?

5. What is the second largest island in North America?

6. What ist the second largest island in the 48 contiguous (well apart from being an island of one of them) states?

7. What is the second longest river in the United States? (to qualify it must be entirely inside the US)

8. ditto for North America

9. What is the second largest lake in the United States? (must exist entirely in the US to qualify)

10. What is the second longest river to exist entirely inside one state?

For bonus points, answer #9 hydrologically. (it is not the same answer if you do).

1 comment:

  1. I guess for #8 you don't really need to specify the river must exist entirely in North America. There aren't many rivers that are only partly in North America. I guess it partly depends on where what you use as the southern terminus of the continent... but either way nothing in Central America will change the answer.

    For the record, most people seem to use the Columbia/Panama border. As this border is more or less devined by the extent of the watershed in the Darien, rivers generally do not cross it... but you could probably find a stream somewhere that did if you tried hard enough. If you define the border as the Panama Canal, which is an artificial severing of the land mass (and not entirely since it is above sea level), then no rivers could actually "cross" it... though the Chagres River would straddle it during the stretch it coincides with the Canal. ANd its headwaters would be on the South American side, east of the Canal, and its mouth would be on the North American side, west of it. Lastly if you go by plate boundaries (which we would not for quizzes here unless otherwise specified) most of Central America is on the Carribean plate so your boundary would run along Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Unless otherwise specified assume the former boundary (Columbia/Panama Boundary) for any questions that ask North or South America. And for any involving Africa, go ahead and use the Suez Canal as your boundary. Lastly for any involving Europe, you can use the traditional boundary of the Causcus Mountains, the Caspian, The Ural River, the Ural Mountains then north to the Arctic Ocean at their northern limit.
