Monday, April 25, 2011

US State Capitals

This is another US-based one, based on US state capitals. A short quiz

We'll do state capitals today.

1. What is the smallest state capital, population-wise?

2. Most state capitals are relatively central to their state. Only three are actually adjacent to the state border. Two of those border another state, one actually borders another country. Which are they?

3. What river (or rivers) has the most state capital on its banks?

4. Six state capitals are on the sea (I'm not counting ones on navigable rivers that can allow ocean ships to reach them, it must border on actual salt water. (e.g., Albany does not count).

5. What state capital has the highest elevation inside its city limits?

6. Five state capitals do not currently have an interstate highway within their city limits. Which are they?


  1. For #3 I know the hudson is tidally influenced as far as Albany. And though I said "Salt Water", Salt Lake City does not count. I meant the sea.

  2. Also for #6, the "H-" interstates in Hawaii are part of the interstate system, even though they don't follow the "I-" naming pattern and obviously are restricted to only one state.

  3. Okay the two state capitals whose city limits border another state are Trenton (NJ, bordering PA) and Providence (RI, bordering MA). Technically Procidence doesn't quite as its city limits are entirely west of the Seekonk river, though Eadt Providence on the other bank does. But if we include metro areas then Boston would kinda return the favor.

    I have no idea what I was thinking with regards to the border another country.

  4. Except that was obviously Juneau, AK bordering Canada.
